Hee, hee. That cracks me up. THE LOVE MONTH. I think every month should be a love month, but hey...we take our Holidays as they give them to us. :)
Beginning today, I will launch a VALENTINE or LOVE related Project for the rest of the month. This beauty was created by the lovely Ingrild Bolme.NOW SOME MORE CHA 2011 pictures per your request. Here is some lovely eye candy from the 7 Gypsies booth for your pleasure. GOTTA TELL YOU...this was one of my favorite booths!!!!! BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Hugs, Damaris
Can't wait for the video stuff you'll be doing. I'm excited for you! Love ya;)
LOVING the pics and loveeeeeeeee that heart she made! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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