Have you ever gone back through your albums or altered projects and said: "wow...I love this"!!!! Yet, when you look at that project it brings back other memories? Bitter...sweet...memories.
I was organizing my albums and mini album bin and came across the following. As I looked at the page and album below, it made me realize that although I was seeing and remembering a great memory, a totally different memory had become attached to these projects.
This LO is of my two kids. I loved this picture because at the time, my daughter was not the sweetest little dumpling on the planet towards her brother...so this picture truly captured my heart. We spent the day out on a picnic and on the water with my side of the family and friends. We had such a fantastic day at Biscayne Park in Homestead, Florida. Unfortunately, we did not have telephone reception in the area, (although we had no idea that was the case) and when we left the park that day around 6pm, we started getting an alarming amounts of beeps on our telephone's. My mother in-law and my husbands family had been trying to reach us to let us know that my father-in-law had passed away. We were shocked, numbed...you can imagine.
I have come to realize that life is like that. There is so much good that occurs in our lives, yet there are horrible and sad things that happen also. I truly believe that is a good thing. We appreciate the good because we know how sad or horrible the bad moments in life are. I have chosen to remember the good and the bad, because it makes me stronger and hopefully wiser. Everything even the minimum that occurs in our lives, is a lesson. The good and the bad can teach us something. These lessons can teach us to be better...because when we know better...we do better.
Here is to remembering and focusing on the good and the happy...and the bad and sad.
Have a great day ladies!!!
What a wonderful post...and so true....the good and bad memories are what make who we are!!!
Wishing you a great day and Happy Mother's Day!!!
This is so true and it is because of these good and bad life experiences that we grow and become stronger and wiser... It's just a painful bumpy road sometimes! xoxo
Happy Mother's Day!!
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