I can't believe how time flies by. I have been feeling under the weather since last Tuesday and wish I could do things faster than I can. So much to do and so little time!!!
I leave you here with some happy goodness. This layout was created by this young lady named Kelly. She has a great story behind the tree. I feel that the stories mean so much more than the art we put together girls. Remember to journal your stories!!!! Cookies, cookies, cookies...they are everywhere!!!!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Day 4
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Day 3
Well gotta share here: I had such a lovely time last night with some amazing women. My sister Beth decided to host a PJ party with some wonderful OLD friends. My goodness, we have laughed so hard, and cried a little bit too. I guess great friendships are based on bad and good and as the years go by you can reflect how the bad truly formed us and made us stronger and better people. Anyway, enough reflection here...suffice it to be said that the evening and MORNING was spent with magnificent ladies. (I will post pictures on my December Daily entry on Monday).
Now let me leave you with some Pink Goodness for the Holiday season.
Love these cookies!!! These vintage wreaths really do remind me of my childhood. My mom had white and bluish ones too.
Gotta love a pink room with Damask curtains. Very whimsical and happy if you ask me. :)

Friday, December 2, 2011
Day 2
Ok, gang, I have not had a chance to go and print the pictures so I will probably post on the 4th on my Dec. Daily...I will catch you all up...I promise.
Here is some eye candy....Lots of Dec. Daily's out there. This one was created by Pamela Young. Tell me these are just not absolutely DARLING!!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011
Day 1 and the Holiday countdown begins!
As many of you know, Christmas is my favorite time of the year so in honor of my favorite holiday I will be posting yummy eye candy for you throughout the month!
This card was created by DutchyRomy. Love the vintage goodness going on here. This is so pretty...love the village of Bethlehem theme. LOVE IT!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thanksgiving Day 2012
Thanksgiving Day was absolutely amazing. What a fantastic time we had. The people, the food and weather....pretty perfect.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Thanksgiving goodness
Isn't this just beautiful? I love thanksgiving. It is one of my favorite holidays. It is great to see so many of our family members and some amazing friends congregate every year at this spectacular event. My aunt Celina is the hostess and she truly does an amazing job. I can not wait to see what she has in store for us this year...will absolutely share photos later.I can't wait for THANKSGIVING DAY!!!
Have a happy day.
Wow...the holiday's are almost upon us. I can not believe it!!! So much change! I guess it's all good. I have been creating up a storm. I thought I was done for the year....I GUESS NOT!!! LOL. Lots of new projects being created on a daily basis here. I think I have come to terms that I am my most creative when I am under pressure. Sigh...I am not sure if I really like that. I shall have to think about that...but not now...have too much going on.
Anyway, let me share a LO I found from the talented Ms. NIKKI. Gotta tell you, she got me all inspired here! Love the flowers...well, I just kind of love it all! Hope this inspires you to work on something for the upcoming season.