I SAW TINA TURNER IN CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE ROCKED!!!! I can so cross this off my "100 things to do before I DIE!!!! LOL
She was #9 on my list.

Gots' to go peeps...just wanted to share a little bit of my happiness!
I SAW TINA TURNER IN CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE ROCKED!!!! I can so cross this off my "100 things to do before I DIE!!!! LOL
She was #9 on my list.
You can all imagine the screaming here...or maybe you can't...but RIOS is from Philly and of course loves everything from his hometown. We watched the World Series (OK, I was completing 3 projects and doing dishes) ...but sat to watch last night. I knew them boys were on a roll. It was just PLAIN GOOD OLD BASEBALL. Last night was a really good game. (pic: Chris O'meara/Poole/EPA)
The following is a disgusting post...so bloggers beware!!! It is NOT A PRETTY SIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what happens when pumpkins drink!!!!!!! LOL....OK...I have been working like crazy and came up for some air....Thanks Cheryl for sharing your sick little sense of humour with me...GOTTA LOVE YOU GIRL!!
Happy Wednesday everyone,
Create a page with the following:
Use this phrase: I am thankful for.....
Make sure you have a Journal entry on your layout!!!
I have been tagged: (Thanks A LOT Sharon!!!)
7 random things about me: hhhhmmmmmm
1. I sing...pretty darn good too.
2. I was a gymnast for over 9 years.
3. I have never done drugs. (I do take Tylenol and that kind of stuff..LOL)
4. I have lived in Puerto Rico, New York, Rhode Island Massachusetts and Florida.
5. When I read, I have a gift...I have it down to an art...I can actually ignore everyone and everything that surrounds me...I get that engrossed in my reading material. (Ask my sisters...they loved this about me..he,hee,he!)
6. I went out with my husband for 8 years before we got married.
7. My husband was my first kiss...he, hee,he...It was great too!!!! LOL!
Gotta go, I'm getting ready for Croptoberfest and the 4 classes I have going on this week.
We begin our second challenge today and here is the assignments.
1. Use the words: YOU MAKE ME............
2. You must Journal.
All submissions must be received by Sunday, October 26, 2008.
Email your completed layout pictures to: Scrapbookdui@aol.com
Just want to thank you BEAUTIFUL LADIES for participating. Your layouts are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!! I will be mounting them soon on a gallery (if you allow me to do so!!!) for all of you to view.
Good luck!
At my local scrapbook store Scrapbooks & Stuff got this delish paper. Oooooohhhhh, aaahhhh.If you are into vintage, this is soooo up your alley. Oh my goodness, I was in heaven. I want to work on these babies tomorrow. I can't wait to get my hands in the mix.
OK ladies here goes the answer your questions.
You would think that after such a busy week, I would have tons of photos to share with you, but alas, this young puertorican has been way to busy to take pictures...now HER friends on the other hand....hhmmmm....as I was making artichoke dip....I heard camera's flickering away for Vanessa's party. As I arrived late to Alma's birthday party (because I was giving a class)...the camera's were clicking away. As I wrapped presents for my lovely friends (who did not wrap their own presents)....those camera's were click, click, clicking away.....so the whole Point IS: IF YOU ARE MY FRIEND: FORWARD SOME OF THOSE DARN PICS TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gulp. I have been on deadlines and have been creating a large amount of project for the rest of the year. Yes, I am tired, but really pleased with the upcoming class schedule. I am announcing some of the popular class dates so that you can begin SAVING THE DATES on you calendars and getting ready for registration. Lots of good stuff coming our way. (smile)
Scrapbook Beach Retreat 2009/ September 11, 12, & 13, 2009
Birthday Book/October 25, 2008
I have several classes that will be falling in between the aforementioned dates, but I could not download the pictures...(so what else is new?) Hopefully by tomorrow I will be able to do this. Just to mention a few, the turkey class..(my turkey is the BOMB!!! LOL), the Pumpkin chipboard album, Acrylic album class, Frame class, and the Clock class and the Christmas acrylic album are all scheduled and ready to go,but I want to post the pics with the details. Let's see if I can pull that off by the end of this weekend.
Gots to go as I am finishing off that pumpkin chipboard album.
isn't this adorable? You can learn how to do things like this with my lovely friend Esther. Just a reminder that she will be hosting her event tomorrow.
Just go to her link HERE and get all the details. REMEMBER: IT's FREE!!!! WHOO HOOO!!! How fun is that?
I have a lot to share, but so very little time. I will post pics TONIGHT!!!! I am working on several projects today and will finish up with the pics sometime during the day.
Croptoberfest is in high gear and the wonderful news is we are ALMOST SOLD OUT!!!! WHOO HOOO!!!! Yeah.....I am jumping up and down, like a little kid. We still have several spaces left, so don't despair. Make sure you contact me so that I can reserve your spot.
OK: Gots to go as A TURKEY is calling me...he, hee,ha!!
BUT the winner of my FANTABULOUS RAK is:
I have been on a roll with these albums in the last two days. I will post the other 2 later on, but I put this one together for someone special this past Saturday and did two more since then. Super fun and I love the way we are able to personalize the front cover of these albums. I did another 12x12, an 8x8 and a 6x6. Will try to post pics of all the goodies I have been working on since Sunday.
Calendar has begun to go out and should be in every one's hands by this Friday. There is a lot of you so I have to send it out in chunks.
Have a great day, and big hugs!