Oh gang..I have been without TV, INTERNET and computer!!!!!!!c
So stinks. I miss those lovely comforts of modern technology. I am simply not a happy camper with COMCAST right now.
We got the TV on but the Internet has been crazy...I can't open emails, can't go on line...it comes up for seconds and puff...there it goes.
I am posting from my darling husband's computer so NO PICS gals.
Now to share some good stuff....
I did sell out of the March kit....sorry...it sold out locally. The April one is DELISH!!! Coming real soon...I plan to post pics this week. I am also going to share some yummies with you this week that are going to be available for purchase in the month of APPRIL.
National Scrapbook Day is SOLD OUT!!! Sorry, this event sold out within 24 hours of the event being announced. (I will open the NSBD CLASS kits and make them available to all of you once the date gets a little closer).
I have scrapbooked 16 pages this week...even with a life trauma....LOL...will so share more on that this coming week.
I am hoping to be up and running some time today....SO COMCAST SAYS. (do you hear the sarcasm...if not please insert here right NOW!!!)
Can't wait to see what you have all been up to.
my friend Cathy is going to have a huge and I do mean HUGE Scrapbooking Yard Sale. She was the owner of a local Scrapbook store here and unfortunately closed down. She will be getting rid of EVERYTHING...from store fixtures to a ton of scrapbooking supplies. If you are local...head out to her place at:
Friday, March 26, 2010
NO POSTING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Day 8 NCM / Paper houses
In my travels in bloggie world I love saving things that are unique and just plain fun. Today I will share some fun paper houses that I have found during my bloggie travels.

Day 7 NCM & Happy Birthday Margie
Today is my little sisters' birthday.

Saturday, March 6, 2010
Day 6 NCM & Happy Birthday Bethsy

Friday, March 5, 2010
Day 5 NCM
This awesome journal entry was created by Ms. Laura. You can check out her blog here. She has some pretty cool stuff on her journals...as you will see on the bottom pics here.

Many of you know how journaling is the one thing that I preach over and over and over and over and over and over...ok...I think you all got the idea of how important journaling is to me. I firmly believe that Journaling should be on all your projects. Whether it is bullet journaling, paragraphs or simple sentences or even signatures and dates. This enables those who pick up your projects (may they be scrapbooks or altered crafts) to identify who the creator is and what they were trying to accomplish.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Day 4 NCM
I love tags. Whether crafty created ones or simply made to give as a gift. Here are some of my favorites.
These lovely babies were created by one of my favorite artist Silvia Kristine. I LOVE THIS!!!!! It's just so pretty.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Day 3 NCM
One of the crafty gifts I see and admire tremendously is card making. My lovely friend Esther is one of those crafty card makers. She teaches some great classes too. If you live locally you should give her a buzz.
Now one of the most talented card makers/artist I have ever seen, is Ms. Becca Feeken. She simply makes amazing cards that I consider works of arts. Check out this loveliness. Something about this house....LOL...I love old houses....that makes me nostalgic.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
In honor or National Craft month....Here goes my second post.
I love seeing the different outlets people use to create and express their own creativity. I am amazed at the talent that comes naturally to so many, and how their God given talent brings joy to humanity.
Last year, our minister, Rev. David Bonilla, had a blank canvas on the pulpit that everyone saw as they walked into the church. As the service progressed he created a beautiful drawing with chalk. We had no clue what it was in the beginning.