Well..I've been a busy Puertorican.
I've been decorating....will be done by tomorrow. WHOO HOO!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Whatcha been doin'?
Friday, December 11, 2009
Gaudy Trees anyone?
Sorry...I have been so busy that blogging has simply fallen off the list.
But just want to share some of the most gaudiest, beautiful trees that I HAVE EVER SEEN! These pictures do not do justice to these trees. Like my friend Ana G. Says....THEY ARE OUT OF CONTROL.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday you say?
My goodness, time is truly flying by. Here are some pics of what is going on in our home.
Decided to add the polka dot black tulle on the pink tree....it just needed that little pizzaz to tie in the black, white and pink together. He,hee,hee...GOtta tell YOU...I love my pink forest. I think I am only going to put up only 3 trees. I'm too tired. LOL. :) Look at the new additions to the white tree this year. Got these at Michaels!!!! THesE Santas are GORGEOUS!!!! They had them in different colors too.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Christmas Crop and some very happy Girls....
Celebrated my Christmas Crop today. Gotta tell you that Kit sold out quickly. Great goodies in there.
Here is a pic of me and my partners in crime.

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Day 4 & Day 5
Getting ready for tomorrow's Christmas Crop. Got my centerpiece in the dinning room ALMOST DONE. Isn't he a cutie? Getting a turkey and the sides ready to rock and roll for the girls tomorrow. Will try to post pics on that. DAY 4
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Love, love, love...did I mention that I LOVE CHRISTMAS????
Well now, so glad I shared that sentiment...LOL. I am trying to get this house ready for the holidays, and boy oh boy has it been a mission. Although the spirit is willing, the demands have called me elsewhere. So here are some sneaky peeks.......... This is the Pink FOREST....it is being put in the dinning room this year. I only have 3 of the 7 trees up. Let's see if I make to 5.....Will post more on this later.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
IT"S DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!
Here is a pic from LAST YEARS Christmas tree...the traditional one anyway...I had just finished decorating the tree...now...I will be making some changes this year....so I will make sure that I will show the differences...stay tuned. OK: gang...today I will be posting 2 times...since I forgot to post YESTERDAY...well, I actually posted but the truth is that I have no idea where the post went..so I come in today bright and early and HUALA!!!! NO POST from yesterday...no problema.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
December 1, 2009

Boy did I have fun. This was the first time I have left so early. My first pit stop was at Walmart...at 1:23am.....All for some electronics...I tell you. I have been BF shopping for years, and Ady and I have teamed up for quite a while already...but we have never taken pictures..so I made sure to take pictures to document our tradition this year.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thanksgiving is almost here...
I guess I should take a minute break from my Christmas postings and post on something Thanksgivinie....
Here is some eye candy.
The talented Cari Fennell created this page. It's a canvas page which she glitter misted. Pretty darn amazing. You know me and flowers...a girl can never have too many of those...lol. Oh my gosh...I love these!!!! They are cookies!!!! Find the recipe here.
Check this out....This lovely blogger even gives you a tutorial here. You can substitute this with almost anything....nuts...for thanksgiving....
Monday, November 23, 2009
Happy Monday!!!!
Hi gang: Well busy, busy, busy here. Want to tell you about a new bloggie friend I have. Ms. Ramsey has a delicious RAK she is giving away...so go vist and check her out here. Make sure you leave a post so that you can be eligible for the RAK.
Now...for some eye candy. You know that this is so up my alley. Come on girls...PINK!!! I can do without the figures on the bottom though...nothing personal ok.

Sunday, November 22, 2009
GOT MY BATTERY CHARGER BACK!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOOO!!!! I will so be posting all these Scrapbooking layouts I done beginning tomorrow.
But for today....Christmas in PINK...YUMMO!!!! MY favorite color. Check this delishishness out! (OK..I made that word up...but it's totally appropriate...atleast in my book...lol)
The next two pictures are from Tara James' daughters room. MY GOSH....to be that little and have such wonder in your room....She has that tree decorated with Barbie antique ornaments...(I think)...I saved these photos quite a while back.... Look at that garland...sigh...I am in love!!!!!!!!!!!